Business valuation

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Business valuation calculator
On our website you can choose between two different online business valuation calculators. One is for the beginner which we have named “small business valuation” and the other one is for the more experienced user which we call “advanced business appraisal“. On both these online business valuation calculators, you can value any company to find out how much the company is worth – in less than 10 minutes – for free!
Business valuation methods
Since we are real nerds when it comes to company valuation, we have described and made tutorials for the most commonly used business valuation methods available. We describe the most popular methods such as the DCF model and the LBO model more extensively below, but also want to highlight that we have made tutorials for the precedent transaction valuation as well as for the trading comps valuation approach.
DCF Model
In every business valuation a DCF model is used in one way or another. Therefore we have made a dcf model tutorial so that everyone can perform their own discounted cash flow analysis. This is a simplified but still powerful DCF (extremely useful).
LBO Model
A LBO model, normally named a leveraged buyout model is most oftenly used by private equity companies to see how much they can pay for a business given certain assumptions and required rate of returns. It is an interesting approach used for business valuation. The supplied LBO is simplified but gives you a good understanding of the concepts of a leveraged buyout.
Company valuation
We hope that these tutorials together with the M&A valuation section and the wiki section will help you perform your own business valuation. If you have any questions regarding our different tutorials, please comment on the tutorial and we will reply as soon as possible.
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