Business Valuation Methods
In general terms, business valuation methods are categorized by three different valuation methods; discounted cash flow valuation, relative valuation and real options valuation model (each
Continue readingIn general terms, business valuation methods are categorized by three different valuation methods; discounted cash flow valuation, relative valuation and real options valuation model (each
Continue readingDefinition of Real Option Valuation Real option is an actual option (in the sense of “choice”) that a business may gain
Continue readingOption pricing model was created originally to determine a financial option price. The most generally accepted option pricing model is
Continue readingDefinition of Comparable companies valuation Comparable companies valuation use multiples estimating the value of a company by looking at the pricing
Continue readingThere are several studies on the small cap premium, and it is not always clear on what premium to use.
Continue readingModels Based in Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) The discounted cashflow-based method (DCF valuation method), as the traditional fundamental valuation technique,
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