Business valuation WIKI

Below we have collected relevant information, links and content that might be useful when you want to perform a company valuation or similar.

Financial Definitions

In this section we have collected financial definitions for words and terms related to business valuation. Hopefully some of these terms will help you along the way in your valuation’s.

Example of definitions are: WACC, CAPM, NPV och IRR. Read more »

M&A valuation tools

In this section you can find all sorts of information related to M&A valuation such as business valuation methods, guides on how to estimate business value of a small business and spread sheets for your own valuations. The links are mostly internal, but in a few cases there are also external links. Feel free to email us if you have a good website that should be listed below. Read more »


Do you have information that should be listed here? Send us an email to: info(a)

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